Bottle Blondes

Bottle Blondes

Wed 28 Feb 7:30 PM

Flight Path Theatre
General Admission
90 Mins
Sarah Greenwood and Martelle Hammer are Bottle Blondes (Like you couldn’t tell!)
With less sense than Beckett and more confidence than two bottles of wine, an hour of sketchy sketch comedy from the mind of Sarah Greenwood that will leave you wondering; ‘What was in that drink?’ And; ‘Maybe total societal collapse is the only way for humanity to progress?’ Or; ‘How can two people contain so much raw talent?’
Their emotional support musical Scotsman Neil Mclean lends much needed talent to this offering.
Featuring such gems as “Because you asked to smell my feet”, and “The Pie Song”, this night makes no promises.
Madeleine Withington wrangles two lunatics and Luke Fewster will teach them to dance!
‘Sarah Greenwood is the Sylivia Plath of comedy’ – Martelle Hammer
‘Martelle Hammer is not funny’ – Martelle Hammer

Writer - Sarah Greenwood
Cast  - Sarah Greenwood + Martelle Hammer
Director - Madeleine Withington
Musical Director and Composer - Neil Mclean
Stage Manager -  Atlas Andrews
Movement Director  - Luke Fewst
Producer - Olivia Hall-Smith 

 Run time 90 minutes (including 30 minutes of pre show entertainment) 

We consider this show to still be in development.
Content warnings – Swearing, yelling, kissing, cardboard nudity.


Flight Path Theatre

142 Addison Road Addison Road Community Centre Marrickville , NSW , 2204