

Fri 5 Apr 6:00 PM

Flight Path Theatre
General Admission
50 Mins
Overture- a whimsical journey unveiling the moments before the curtain rises. This immersive, site-specific work disrupts theatrical norms, allowing viewers to glimpse the intricate tapestry of a private moment, amplifying the seemingly mundane. By exposing the inner-workings of unsung heroes and unsuspecting souls, the invisible becomes visible.
Overture strives to unite audiences, fostering connection through shared human experience and acknowledging our common human condition.

An overture where the first note is the final. How do we define beginning and end? 

Directed and choreographed by Tegan Jeffrey Rushton
Produced by Neale Whittaker, Artisma Creative Co.
Lead performers and collaborators: Holly Finch, Robert McLean, Yukino Mchugh and Neale Whittaker with special guest ensemble dancers.
Special thanks to Flight Path Theatre and Ev and Bow. 

Flight Path Theatre

142 Addison Road Addison Road Community Centre Marrickville , NSW , 2204